Add Google Reviews by entering Place IDs

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Instead of asking client to grant access and connect through their Gmail account, allow import by manually entering Place ID.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Moderator .

This could lead to potential mis-use. A valid testimonial should have customer consent. So this is not a feature that a trusted testimonial platform should have


I think you misunderstood this request.


Is that because the customer must have a Google account to leave a review on our google my business pages, so this could open the possibility of "fake" reviews? I'm just curious because I frankly don't know much yet, and I, too, was trying to think of a way to make it even easier on the older chaps for whom all things computer-related come with frustration and anxiety. I'm just struggling to come up with anything more than what you've already done... It's rather amazing, to be sure, but some of them just simply cannot seem to follow along and carry the review on to completion. Anyways, lovin' me some Endorsal! Thank you guys for making this